Please see below for the advice and proactive work undertaken by the London Clinical Senate.

Population health management opportunities: the importance of effective mental health care to address long term conditions and improve physical health outcomes
This forum explored the connection between mental health and long-term conditions. Presentations and discussion were informed by population, patient, and service perspectives. These were underpinned by research and brought to life with practical, actionable best practice examples. A key emerging theme was the need to provide “one health” which encompasses mental and physical wellbeing. 

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No Production Without Co-Production - The Health & Social Care System working collaboratively alongside people with lived experience to bring change

For this Forum, the London Clinical Senate joined with the London Personalised Care Network to improve the understanding of what co-production is, how it can be effectively used, explore approaches and techniques to achieve successful co-production and to inform on best practice from across London. 

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Environmentally sustainable London healthcare - time for action
For this Forum, the London Clinical Senate joined with Public Health England to hear the latest information and evidence internationally, nationally and regionally on the sustainability challenges we face and to actively collaborate on addressing these. Outputs from the event will be shared with Our Greener NHS and inform proactive project work of the Senate and the London region.

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Improving Clinical Outcomes and Value for Money Across Care Pathways
At this Forum, system leaders, clinicians and patients heard and discussed what health and care outcomes and best value means from a clinician, finance director, patient, carer, public and integrated care perspective. Attendees had the opportunity to debate ideas on what delivering best value means and how a value based approach could be adopted systematically.

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What More Does London Need to do to Enable People in Mental Health Crisis to Appropriately Attend Emergency Departments?
At this event, system leaders, clinicians and patients heard about the current challenges in the system from service users, carers, health and social care staff, London Ambulance Service and the police. Attendees discussed and debated ideas and potential solutions for how the whole system can improve the experience of those of all ages in mental health crisis.

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Workforce - Turning a Risk into an Enabler
The rapid increase in demand for services, constrained funding and a number of other challenges have greatly impacted the supply and retention of the health and social care workforce both nationally and within London. This event looked at the implications and difficulties that workforce challenges have caused across the whole health and social care system and identified new opportunities to help resolve London’s workforce challenges.

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Building System Leadership for Integrated Care
The move towards integrated care systems is acknowledged and understood by most senior leaders in our trusts, clinical commissioning groups and local authorities but is often less well understood by staff working directly with patients, carers and citizens. This event focussed on exploring what this new landscape, including shared responsibilities for population health, means in practice and the implications this has for leadership skills and behaviours at all levels of the system, but especially for staff below board or governing body level and those working at the front line.



Junior Doctor Engagement - Views from the Frontline
Advice to improve the experience of and strengthen engagement with doctors in training – in collaboration with the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management.

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Next steps for general practice in London – scale, integration and incentives – what works?

Integration and collaboration across general practices and primary care is already taking place in London with the majority of practices belonging to an at scale organisation. However the nature and extent of collaboration, beyond provision of extended access, varies considerably. Developing a more explicit commitment to general practice at scale is an essential driver to transforming care and this work focussed on developing a shared view about how general practice needs to transform to create a sustainable, integrated health and care system. This event considered progress to date in London and what needs to happen to achieve this vision and the early priorities.

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Pathways and care for people with traumatic brain injury

Advice on improving pathways and care for people with traumatic brain injury – in collaboration with the London Trauma System.

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Accessing specialist advice in a transforming NHS – key features of an effective person-centred pathway

Developments in out of hospital care, particularly primary care transformation, use of technology and digitally enabled solutions, empowering people, optimising skills and experience of different workforce groups all present significant opportunities to improve. However, one size will not fit all. This event considered what is important to patients and clinicians in accessing specialist advice building consensus on what good looks like and identifying the most critical factors that need to be addressed to enable implementation of proven models at greater scale across London.

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Enhancing health in care homes – leading a whole system response
Meeting the needs of a growing and ageing population is one of the key challenges and the number of Londoners aged over 80 is predicted to increase by 40% over the next 15 years. As the greatest users of health and care services we need to consider how to best meet the needs of older people, particularly the frail elderly, supporting them to have the best possible quality of life and care. The event focussed on improving health in care homes, which requires an integrated, whole system response.

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Developing high quality, value based out of hospital care
Comprehensive out of hospital is a broad topic encompassing a wide range of services and issues, so there was a focus on initiatives aimed at admission avoidance and facilitating discharge. The event included a review of the vision for the next 2-5 years; consideration of initiatives which had already been implemented to identify impact; a patient and clinician perspective; maximising the skills of the workforce and the identification of successful change and barriers to be overcome.

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Delivering 7 Day Services
Ensuring patients receive consistent, high standards of care, seven days a week, is a priority for the NHS. Early work towards this goal and baseline surveys of hospital services have highlighted the scale and complexities of the task necessitating some far reaching changes in the way care is delivered across the health and care system. In this work we listened to what is important to patients, carers and clinicians and discussing key issues with those already involved and those soon to be involved in the 7 day services programme rollout.

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Supporting young adults to self-care (proactive work)

The London Clinical Senate Forum and the work of the London Health Commission identified self-care in young adults as a major priority for the health system in London. The Senate ran engagement events in different community settings and provided training and support for young people to facilitate these, which not only built an evidence base but also aided a new approach to self-care for young adults. The report introduces a new commissioning framework to support young adults to self-care, particularly those with long-term conditions. ‘The Well Centre’ was identified as the future to support self-care in young adults within the community.

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Executive Summary

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Helping Smokers Quit (proactive work)
In August 2014 the London Clinical Senate launched the “Helping Smokers Quit” programme to support whole-system behaviour change, with the goal that every London clinical knows the smoking status of each patient they care and supports them to quit. It focused on clinical action, and the health system support required to improve the interaction between a clinician and their patient. The CO4 programme focussed on: enhancing Conversations, routine CO monitoring, accurate Coding, and Commissioning the right services. The programme has been highlighted as evidence of best practice by Public Health England and nationally through the CQUIN programme.

Minister for Public Health response to Helping Smokers Quit

Mayor of London response to Helping Smokers Quit