Diane has thirty-one years of experience in the NHS having started her career as a Nurse in the NHS in 1992.
Diane has worked as a Nurse and Midwife across London, and continues to maintain clinical practice at a local Trust/s. Prior to her current role, Diane has been a Consultant Midwife before transitioning to a Director of Midwifery post, then subsequently moving into a commissioning environment. She was also a Care Quality Commission (CQC) specialist advisor for governance, Maternity and Safeguarding.
Whilst Diane’s expertise lies within midwifery, she is also passionate about quality improvement, workforce race equality and equity of health and care provision.
Diane is currently the Chief Nursing Officer for NHS North East London and senior responsible officer for a number of programmes across the North East London heath and care system. She has significant experience in commissioning, change management, governance, and risk management. Her strength is leading teams and coaching others to realise their potential.
Diane is also a Trustee of a national charity Group B Strep Support (GBSS) and a member of the London Clinical Senate.