The Clinical Senate may provide advice at different stages of the major service change process. They may provide early feedback as proposals are developed, by commenting on a Case for Change Case in addition to the formal role of considering   proposals contained within a pre consultation business case, which then inform the NHS England Stage 2 assurance checkpoint.

The review outputs, reports and recommendations of from the London Clinical Senate are provided below. These  are the property of the sponsoring organisations and are published in the public domain, following their express permission.

Please click on the report titles to view the reports.


North Central London Start Well Programme Start Well: Ensuring the best care for pregnant women and people, babies, children, young people, and their families – November 2023

The London Clinical Senate reviewed the draft Pre-Consultation Business Case in advance of submission to the Stage 2 NHSE assurance processes.

The Senate focussed on the following questions:

  • Is the case for change supported by evidence and best practice guidance?
  • Are the changes proposed supported by evidence and best practice guidance to improve the quality and outcomes for the population served?


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North West London Adult acute Mental Health Services in the City of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea – October 2023

The London Clinical Senate reviewed the draft Pre-Consultation Business Case in advance of submission to the Stage 2 NHSE assurance processes.

The review covered:

  • The clinical case for change.
  • The different clinical care model options and their implications for delivering inpatient mental health services in the City of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.


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Proposed changes to children's specialist cancer services Principal Treatment Centre serving Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Kent and Medway, South London and most of Surrey – July 2023

The Clinical Senates reviewed the draft Pre-Consultation Business Case in advance of submission to the Stage 2 NHSE assurance processes.

The advice sought from the Senates was:

  • Is the case for change clear from a clinical perspective?
  • Is the clinical evidence set out in the PCBC clear, about both options, following the option appraisal.
  • Does the Integrated Impact Assessment provide sufficient mitigation to possible health impacts, particularly travel times that might otherwise increase inequities?
  • Is there any further clinical evidence that NHSE should consider in making a final decision on the options.


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Advice on proposals for adult elective orthopaedic services reconfiguration in North West London: case for change, clinical models, and the development of potential solutions – March 2023

The Clinical Senate reviewed the draft Pre-Consultation Business Case in advance of submission to the Stage 2 NHSE assurance processes.

North West London ICS asked the London Clinical Senate to provide independent advice on proposals to transform elective orthopaedic services across the North West London ICS footprint.

The review was inclusive of all clinically related elements, which included but was not limited to shortlisted service configuration solutions and clinical models.


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Advice on proposals for mental health services in Lambeth - January 2020

The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals relating to moving the provision of acute inpatient and psychiatric intensive care services from the Lambeth Hospital site in Stockwell to the Maudsley site at Denmark Hill. This was a stage 2 review.


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Advice on proposals for adult elective orthopaedic services in North Central London - November 2019

The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to consolidate the provision of adult elective orthopaedic services in north central London. This is a stage 2 review.


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Advice on proposals for the relocation of Moorfields Eye Hospital - January 2019

The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to relocate Moorfields Eye Hospital. This was a stage 2 review.


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Advice on proposals for mental health services in Camden and Islington - June 2018

The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to improve in-patient mental health services in Camden and Islington which included the relocation of in-patient beds and a new model of working with community services. This was a stage 2 review.


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Advice on proposals for elective orthopaedic inpatient care in South East London - June 2016

The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to consolidate elective orthopaedic inpatient care in South East London – a stage 2 assurance review. The Senate provided advice on 3 issues, 1) whether the case for change and proposed model of care have a clear evidence base 2) whether the proposed model of care would be clinically safe, whilst maintaining a robust system of trauma care and care for patients with complex needs and 3) the potential of the proposed model to improve the quality of elective orthopaedic care.


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Advice on plans for transition of paediatric services in North West London - February 2016

The Senate was asked to provide advice on plans for the transition of paediatric service from Ealing Hospital. This piece of work was part of a wider set of proposals to transform the way healthcare is delivered for people in North West London.


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Transition of maternity, gynaecology, neonatal and paediatric services for a trust in North West London - February 2015

The Senate was asked to give advice on the proposal to decommission maternity and paediatric services provided at Ealing Hospital and to commission equivalent alternative capacity at other hospitals across North West London, supported, by redesigned clinical pathways. This request related to implementation of plans agreed following public consultation in 2012 on a set of proposals to transform the way healthcare is delivered for people in North West London.


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Advice for proposals on in-patient mental health services in South West London - December 2014

The Senate was asked to provide independent clinical advice on proposals for inpatient mental health services in South West London which underpinned a substantial development programme to modernise facilities provided by South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. The Senate’s Clinical Review team provided advice on the proposed model of care. This advice informed stage 2 of NHS England’s service change assurance process.


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Advice in relation to recommendations for service change for (mainly) specialised cancer and cardiovascular services and the model of care for radical prostatectomies - June 2014

The Senate was asked to provide advice in relation to proposals to consolidate, specialised cancer, cardiac services and the model of care for radical prostatectomies in North Central and North East London. Models of care to improve cancer and cardiovascular services in London were published in August 2010 which led to the development of recommendations for specialised cancer and cardiovascular services in the geographical patch. NHS England, using these recommendations prepared a Case for Change which the Senate reviewed. Separate reports were written for cancer and cardiovascular services and the model of care for prostatectomies.


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