Charlotte is a GP partner in Hendon, where she has worked for almost 20 years. She has been on governing body of Barnet CCG since inception, and became chair of Barnet CCG in 2019. She was elected to the board of NCL CCG and vice chair at merger in 2020. Charlotte enjoys a wide portfolio, including co-chairing the NCL ethics committee with Dr Vincent Kirchner and has worked hard to secure membership from across health and social care in NCL, including strong lay membership. This group relishes the bi-weekly Friday morning meetings, which are the highlight of their week. Topics covered include, covid visiting policies across NCL, ethics of supply chains used by providers with respect to current Ukranian-Russian conflict. Charlotte has recently been appointed Chief Medical Officer for NWL ICS, where she will take up post in July.
Particular interest of mine for London ethics group – application of ethics to inequalities, in the balance of efficiency in dealing with demands of high activity and elective recovery versus bespoke modelling to support those with highest health inequalities.